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Consulting on LinkedIn

by Skye Saunders

The virtual event with LinkedIn consultant (Image via Skye Saunders)

The Career Development Center hosted, “Connecting on LinkedIn,” virtually, with their annual guest speaker, Chaim Shapiro, a LinkedIn Consultant.

He began with a step-by-step live demo to discuss new features and what jobs can be found in the COVID climate for students.

Interface-wise, LinkedIn changed up its main user profile pages. They are trying to make it more user-friendly, but this can also be a challenge. The challenge is that the app is begging to look a lot like Facebook.

It is important to put on your own profile photo, since it's something for a Linkedin recruiter to see, said Shapiro.

Cover stories are a new feature that is launching in about a few weeks. It’s a video that will be playing in the background of your profile photo. It plays without sound, but you record your voice on there for an elevator pitch for anyone who goes onto your profile.

Another new feature is the pronunciation tool which is for a person whose name isn’t that easy to pronounce. This feature on the app works by a person uploading a 10-second audio clip with them pronouncing their name.

The featured section is mainly used for specific profile elements such as resume, media and other links one would want to include about themselves.

Using LinkedIn messaging, you can schedule a video meeting either on Zoom, Google Meet, etc for more follow up or if you are in a steady conversation, you can do an instant meeting to take it to the next level.

Shapiro warned that when talking to an employer or future employer, try to stay away from the Gif’s when your chatting, it’s not very professional.

While searching for your areas of interest in the search bar, you can also look up the ‘Events’ tab by scrolling down the first choice, ‘Jobs.’ The purpose being finding engagement in industry leaders, networking etc. A person can make your own event but make it private until you’re ready for everyone to see it since once it’s public, you can’t change it.

To view the whole event visit:



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