By Kai Jackson
Candidates for Harrison Mayor and Town Board stopped by for a friendly visit at Purchase College Wednesday.
The three Democrats teamed up with a former NYPIRG member at a table in Campus Center North where they spread the awareness of their campaign as well as encouraged students to come out and vote. The trio consisted of Frank Gordon running for Mayor, Lauren Leader for Town Board and Michael Romita who is also running for Town Board.
The Democratic trio appear to be the front runners for Moving Harrison Forward, a movement in the Town of Harrison that envisions changes which include tax relief, more community participation, smart development and more public safety. When visiting Purchase College, a big entity in Harrison, the candidate trio made sure to not only encourage students to vote, but to also inform them of the new vision for the town of Harrison and also the prolonging issues the town has been facing such as heavy tax burden, child safety and managing smart development.
One of the most recent issues is the controversial 2016 opening of a gun store at the Harrison Mall, which is also near a church.
“It threatens the safety of our residents,” said mayoral candidate Frank Gordon.
The Harrison government has is currently run by Republican mayor Ron Belmot and Republicans hold a majority of seats, although the Democratic trio aims to change that. The Democratic trio expressed strong opposition towards the current state of Harrison’s government.
“Harrison needs people in office who are willing to work for them, not for themselves,” said Romita.
As the Nov. 5 general election edges closer, it seems that gathering student support will be significant for the Democratic candidates.
“The student vote is critical,” said Leader. “We also want to represent the students.”
With the diversity and student activism that exists at Purchase College, the campus seemed like an ideal location for the Democratic candidates to visit and spread awareness of Moving Harrison Forward.
“The diversity here is incredible,” said Gordon. “It’s unbelievable.”
Gordon is a retired attorney and has remained active in the community. Gordon served as an advocate for resident’s rights at town board meetings and has been contributing to The Harrison Review on issues of concern to residents. After winning a seat on the Harrison town board he claims he has been devoted to improving the quality of life for all Harrison residents.
Leader is an author and activist for women’s rights and diversity in the US. In 2014, Leader co-founded All Together, a non-partisan organization training women in civics and civic leadership. Leader has also been named one of Fortune’s 50 Most Influential Women on Twitter and has appeared on MSNBC.
Romita served with the U.S Department of Justice litigating major cases against corporate polluters. Romita also served on the Westchester County Department of Parks and Recreation and was honored with the Westchester Parks Foundation’s Best Green Friend award.