by Skye Saunders
Amy M.Lutz, a graduate intern working for the Career Development Center, gave insight about inside tips about interviewing and marketing yourself during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Her presentation was step by step on how to prepare before interviews, tips for interviewing and how to have a successful virtual interview experience.
She suggests that before an interview, an individual should do the following things:
Research the company
Review the job description
Practice responses to potential questions
Limit distractions
Be On-Time
Test your internet connection
Lutz also offered some advice on what will improve a person’s remote interview. She said that an individual should:
Turn their camera on
Dress the part
Prepare their background for the interview
Choose a spot to do the interview where there are minimal distractions
Make eye contact
Have a hard copy of their resume ready
Bring a notepad and pen
For virtual interviews, it can be hard to stand out. Lutz suggested people can stand out by:
Showing that they understand the company and position
Come to the interview with well-researched questions
Show self-motivation
Lutz also spoke about the proper ways to formate responses to an interviewer’s questions. She laid out the “STAR Technique,”:
Situation: Describe the situation or event that you were in
Task: Explain the task you had to complete or work on
Action: Describe the specific actions you took to complete the tasks
Result: End with speaking to the results/impact of your efforts
Lutz also emphasized asking employers questions during your interview. Some potential questions she listed out were:
How will you measure the success of the person in this position?
Can you describe a typical day or week in the job?
What are you hoping this person will accomplish in their first six months and in their first year?
How would you describe the culture here? What type of people tend to really thrive here, and what type do as well?
There are certain things people should avoid as an interviewee. Lutz listed out a few examples, including:
Acting too familiar with the interviewer
Chewing gum during the interview
Interrupting the interviewer while they are talking
Asking about salary and benefits at the first interview, unless prompted
Talking negatively or criticizing previous roles and employers